Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Starfall Station Day!

        Part of our curriculum is from a company called Starfall. It's probably most well known from more.starfall.com which is a learning site you pay once a year for, and has a ton of learning and games and even more than I realized! We bought different parts of the Kindergarten curriculum they offer, and I really love all of it. They don't offer anything past Kinder curriculum-wise, so after this year it'll just be fun and review, but definitely awesome. Today for their Starfall lesson, we did 4 different stations. The boys have never done stations for school before, so I wasn't sure how well it would go with one of them wanting to do whatever the other is doing. We didn't have that problem at all, so I was really happy and they had a lot of fun! The stations were: starfall computer time, high frequency word matching game, color by high frequency word, and working with sentence strips for reading. They matched A, a, the, at, an, me, and see in the matching game, which is always fun even if its learning... lol. For the coloring they had to color different areas different colors depending on the word that was found there, with four of the words from before. Their favorites by far were the sentence strips and the computer time. I'll talk more about the sentence strips another time, they deserve a whole post of their own. They had unlimited access to anything on that website and they found some really awesome stuff (including shape sorting, books, counting and measurements), and even played on it about 20 minutes after I told them they could be done! If that doesn't prove they're having fun I don't know what does... LOL! :-)

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