Friday, October 30, 2015

Camping/Archery Trip

Last week we decided to go camping for one last time before it got too cold, so instead of doing the normal beach trip to the lake at the campground (it was closed for the season... and brrrrrrrrrr anyway...) we decided to let the boys try their bow and arrows at the archery range by the campground instead. We found the bow at a thrift sale for $5 last year sometime, and it's been sitting around waiting for the chance to use it. We bought a few cheap target arrows to go with it and we were ready to roll. We went once, the day we arrived to see how they liked it... and they LOVED it! They actually did a really good job with it too; I was impressed for sure. They ended up loving it so much that we went back the next day again instead of going fishing. They are already looking forward to going again soon!

The boys also had a blast during this trip because; A. There is a park RIGHT next to the camping spot we always try to get, and B. There was another family next to us camping with 3 other kids their age that homeschool! They were SO excited! LOL! I only took pictures of the boys at the park since it's always weird to creepily take pictures of kids you don't really know... but the point is they had a blast. :-)

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