Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just keep planning, just keep planning...

       The evening after my preparation post, I finished week 3 planning.  I just wanted to give you an idea of what our weeks are looking like! I'll go into more detail about the specific parts of the plan as we go along, but this is the basic outline of our week. Obviously since this is the first year of school I've never exactly done this before,  so I'm not exactly sure yet how long each thing will actually take (we have to do 4 hours a day), but I think we can do it! I guess we'll find out on Monday.... :-)


  1. Where do you get all of your awesome homeschooling supplies?

  2. Lots of different places! lol! I got my planner from amazon, I use and print things from there, as well. A lot of the really cool stuff I got from, which isn't the cheapest homeschool option, but has AMAZING products. I also get a lot of stuff from for free as well as on facebook! If you ever want anything specific regarding curiculum info just let me know! :-)

  3. Wow ! Great !! Thank you so much ! I was definitely wondering about your daily schedule. Do you keep to a strick time for the daily activities or are you more relaxed ? If you do have a timed schedule, what does it look like. : ) Thanks !!

  4. We definitely don't keep a strict time, I just try to make sure we start by mid morning and I never let work happen after dinner time. I have usually 4-5 lessons per day to get done, but we just get them done throughout the day however it works out! If we don't get through everything, no biggie, and we just start where we left off the next day! That's one of the best things about homeschooling, you can take your time and really go at whatever pace you like best, and if some days are just too much to get done, there's no one to answer to but my own OCD! ;-)
