The first set of pictures are from playing in the snow at a friend of our's house and making snow angels and sledding down a small hill.
These are from a really fun place we go once a month called Xtreme Challenge. The boys love it because it's like an American Ninja Warrior course type of training... I like it because they learn about physics and fall asleep really easy that day! Win-win! ;-)
These are from a place called Jumpstreet that we go to with the same homeschool group as the Xtreme Challenge place, but it's much cheaper and weekly or bi-weekly.
The last pictures are from our trip to the Denver Nature & Science Museum (YAY for free days!) when we went to look at the Mummies from Egypt, but also saw some other really cool stuff!
Well, those are the most exciting points of the last month/month and a half or so. This month (April) is the boys' bithday month and it's CRAZY busy, so look forward to more updates soon! Well, as soon as I remember to do it again... lol!